East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Meeting called to order; By VE7LOC at 2:05 PM

Adoption of Agenda; Moved by VA7QZ seconded by VE7GSJ

Sick or injured; VE7LOC gave an update on Ken's VE7NEK wife, ( as of this meeting ) Initial surgery was successful, and we all wish her a speedy recovery.Also updated was the wife of VE7TED. Minutes of Sept. Meeting; It was moved by VE7KFR to table those minutes until next meeting. Seconded by VE7LOC

Business from minutes; N/A

Treasurers Report; Was not available as VE7NEK was unable to attend.. Deferred till next meeting.

New Business;            
Repeater project;
           Update on repeater replacement. VA7QZ was present, He informed those present that they had run into a few snags which slowed things down. Baker repeater is now functional but it looks like we have missed the “Weather window” and unless we get a  really good warm spell placement will have to wait until spring now. They do have the new repeater completed and running on another frequency and will remain running for the duration of the winter to find and iron out any bugs that might show up. With any luck they will be able to build the Creston repeater and have it ready for spring also.            
E.O.C. Update; VA7CSH gave a report on the last meeting with the EOC / RDEK. Only new business there was a report from Environment member about an aircraft fuel spill in the Bugaboos. Majority was cleaned up and the rest was left to evaporate. There was no damage.            VE7LOC and VA7CSH have offered to give a short course on radio operation and protocols to the the RDEK staff who will be working in the EOC when activated. Both Terry and Anita, from the EOC / RDEK were very responsive to this and have invited us to the next training session in the EOC to do this short course. They thanked us for this offer which they both felt was needed.            
Frequency coordinator; Dan VE7MRP has taken over the post of frequency coordinator and has been in contact with Doug about any paperwork he will need to take over fully. He feels it is going well.            
Linking to West Kootenay Repeaters; It has been made known that the Nelson Amateur radio club would like to link to our repeaters opening up a whole lot more area for us and them to be able to access.VE7MRP will make contact with that club, as he spends a lot of time over there. This will be mainly to start communication between the tow clubs.            

Christmas Dinner for club members; It was moved that VE7ZIP will be asked to again make all the arrangements for the reservations for this function.            
A small “test” was given to all present on the meanings of some radio abbreviations. It was a tight 4 way race up to the end and was finally taken by VE7GSJ. A $5.00 pot.            
Just before the meeting ended a demonstration of his new antenna analyzer was given by VE7GSJ. Pretty nifty little toy for not a lot of money, as most things radio are expensive as we all know. Motion to adjourn was brought by VE7KFR and seconded by VE7WRD at approx. 3:20pm.

Next meeting will be Nov.9.


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:43 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club