East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Held at the shop of VE7LOC. Chair: VE7LOCPresent: wn, nek, loc, mrp, kpb, rwd, aqe, csh.


AGENDA          Adoption of agenda moved by VE7CSH, seconded VE7RWD. Carried

MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as corrected.
Moved VE7WN seconded VE7RWD.


TREASURER’S REPORT: VE7NEK Oct. Financial Statement Cash on hand                    
$25.00CU Term Deposit        

MOTION: Accept the Treasurer’s report as presented    Moved VE7NEK seconded VE7CSH

VHF and UHF radios were donated to the club by a ham from Quesnel area but needed to be programed and cabled. Moved by VE7NEK, seconded by VE7RWD that a certificate of appreciation be sent to Al VE7HD at a cost of $17.01, carried.-moved by VE7AQE that the radios be programed up and cabled along with upgrades to the radio room at the EOC for the  cost of $209.41, seconded by VE7KPB, carried.-VE7CSH reported on the activities and events at the EOC this summer, and was appointed to represent the EKARC on the Emergency Operations committee to replace VE7JBE who has been transferred to Creston Ambulance Station.-VE7MRP has volunteered to take over the position of Repeater Frequency coordination representative.-A warning was noted that the Chinese manufactured radios currently becoming very popular have been declared illegal in the USA and that Canadians traveling to the US should leave their radio at home or it may be confiscated at the border.- It appears that a Christmas get together is desired by all in attendance so plans will be made and time and date announced.- November meeting date moved to November 17th.- JOTA (Boy Scout Jamboree on the Air) will take place Oct 21st, 10 – 12 at the EOC Radio Room. VE7NEK to look into getting patches stitched up from our sticker design. Moved by VE7LOC, seconded by VE7MRPO that Doug be authorized to spend up to $25 for snacks and pop.    


Adjourn VE7RWD


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:43 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club