East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Guests: Nil

Meeting called to order:
 at 2:05 PM by VE7LOC

Sick or injured amateurs:  NEK gave a quick update on VA7GSJ on his recovery from appendix issues and complications. He is on the road to recovery and back home.

Adoption of the agenda
: Nil Additions:  Motioned By ZYQ. Second by CSH. Carried.

Correspondence: NEK reported only correspondence is the insurance bill for Mt Baker repeater site. Moved to new business.

Adoption of Minutes of June 13, 2017 meeting:  As circulated: Minutes moved by DNG. Seconded by KFR. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  
June Balance   2873.89
Term deposit 5000.00
Total 7862.89                                    
Oct Balance     2653.89
Term Deposit 5000.00
Total 7678.22Business arising from the minutes: Motion to rescind the constitution change regarding the addition of an EOC Representative position representing the club. It was discovered the constitution amendment was not required and the club executive could appoint someone to the position. A motion was made to table the previously approved constitution amendment motion. Motioned by NEK, Seconded By KFR. Carried.  The Club Executive then asked JBE if he would except the appointment as the Club EOC representative and he accepted. Motion to approve JBE’s appointment as Club EOC representative. Motioned by CSH, Second by RWD. Carried. DNG will notify the EOC.

New Business:
1) A discussion was held regarding the repeater liability insurance quote for the Baker Mountain repeater site. NEK gave the group a breakdown on the cost based on 33 members of the club. A motion was made to pay $589.75 t0 renew the insurance for the Baker Mountain repeater site. Motioned by KFR, seconded by RXC. Carried.  …2  
2) Discussion was held about reports of static on signals on the Baker repeater during last week’s net. Depending on snow conditions and weather on the mountain CXR would consider going up and checking out the repeater. In the meantime, LOC asked everyone to monitor and report any issues with the repeater.
3)  Discussion was held about EOC activation this fire season.  CXR and JBE noted the EOC was active, no additional communications were needed. DNG also reported he received no emails or communications from the EOC since Travis left.
4) The topic of educational activities was brought up and the group decided that these kinds of activities would work well during the social meetings. Some ideas brought up were a Fox Hunt and explanation. Installation of Anderson Pole connectors. LOC also encouraged the group to bring in their handhelds and he will use the IFR test unit.
5) Discussion was held regarding club membership. How to increase visibility of the club.   Member talked about being more recognizable. Logo patches or decals for vehicles were brought up. CXR will ask his daughter, if she is interested in helping to update the logo design. Also brought up was the possibility of a mall display.  

Meeting adjourned:  at 3:09 PM by CXR

NEXT MEETING:   Nov 18, 2017 2:00 PM for a social meeting at the Shop of VE7LOC


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:43 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
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