East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Held at the shop of VE7LOC.  10 Members present.
Chair: VE7LOC
Present kfr, rxc, dng, mrp, wn, gsj, czi, crj, nek, loc.


MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as circulated.Moved VE7KFR Seconded VE7CXR. Carried.

CORRESPONDENCE:-          Notice from RAC that liability Insurance is due and required forms need to be filled out

VE7LOC          -    The Summer picnic went well with 23 members and family attending

TREASURER’S REPORT : VE7NEK Oct. Financial StatementCash on hand                    $00.00Maximizer                    $2276.57Shares                               $25.00CU Term Deposit         $5110.50Total                             $7412.07                                                                                                          

MOTION: Accept the Treasurer’s report as presented    Moved VE7NEK seconded VE7TED Carried.

NEW BUSINESS: - A Sea Container was donated to the EKARC from the KIOTAC and moved onto a rural property on Hidden valley rd.  Three truck loads of equipment was moved into storage there from CRJ’s QTH.- Creston repeater was removed Sept 17 and brought to Cranbrook to be rebuilt with a new controller purchased earlier in the month.  Randy VE7CRX replaced the old controller and programmed the new controller set the audio levels and tested it out.  VE7DYE and VE7NEK replaced the complete unit on Thompson Mountain on Oct 1st and put it back in service.  The UHF back to Baker is week and scratchy but will remain that way now for the winter

MOTION: -That the President and Secretary invest $5000 into a 36 month term deposit at KSCU M: VE7NEK, S: VE7DNG, Carried.- The secretary and president were authorized to continue dealing with the surplus equipment selling and disposing of such at their best discretion  

MOTION: -That the EKARC hold a Christmas dinner get together before or after Christmas on a no host basis, time and place determined by LOC and NEK.

MOTION: -That the EKARC continue running the Sunday morning net while exploring moving the net to a week day evening, once survey results are in and the switch made to a week day evening VE7NEK will coordinate net control personnel. M VE7NEK S: VE7LOC carried

MOTION: -That the Treasurer be authorized to purchase a hand held radio to be used as a prize draw for all members who have paid their dues before April 30, next year M: VE7NEK, S: VE7DNG, Carried        

MOTION:        Adjourn VE7CZI


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:43 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club