Held at the shop of VE7LOC.
8 Members present.
Chair: VE7LOC
MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as circulated.
Moved VE7ZYQ Seconded VE7KFR. Carried.
CORRESPONDENCE:- No correspondence
BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: VE7CRJ - The new Kenwood trunk repeater was installed on Baker Mtn- A reconditioned computer was purchased and installed in the PREOC- The inventory of our assets is nearing completion. TREASURER’S REPORT : VE7NEK Oct. Financial StatementCash on hand $00.00Maximizer $2409.94Shares $25.00CU Term Deposit $5110.50Total $7545.44 MOTION: Accept the Treasurer’s report as presented Moved VE7NEK seconded VE7TED Carried.
MOTION: -That the EKARC only retain such equipment as needed for maintenance of repeaters and emergency equipment. M: VE7CRX, S: VE7ZYQ, Carried
MOTION: -That Items for sale will be first offered to club members on a highest offer basis then to others. M: VE7TED, S: VE7CRX, CarriedMOTION: -That the President and Secretary/Treasurer be authorized to conduct the sale of all club assets determined to be surplus. M: VE7CRX, S: VE7ZYQ, Carried
MOTION: -That the EKARC only participate in such public service events where 3 or more club members agree in advance to participate. M: VE7CRX, S: VE7ZYQ, Carried
MOTION: -That the EKARC continue to hold a June BBQ, Summer Picnic and investigate a dinner at a suitable time during the year. M: VE7CRX, S: VE7ZYQ, Carried
MOTION: -That the EKARC continue running the Sunday morning net with Joe publishing the net control assignment list. M: VE7CRJ, S: VE7TED, Carried
MOTION: -That the Treasurer be authorized to investigate Liability insurance through RAC and purchase it if deemed appropriate . M: VE7KFR, S: VE7ZYQ, Carried - The summer picnic was held and very successful with 23 people attending.- VE7CRJ and VE7CRX will do some maintenance work on Lytle Mtn repeater.