East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Members Present:VE7LOC, VE7ZIP, VE7NEK (and wife), VE7RXC (and better half), VE7CSH, VE7DLR, VE7TLJ,VE7KFR.

No reports of sick or injured members

Old Business:Update on Invermere  comshell. Door was kicked in during winter. VE7NQ has offered to repair it. Has not been done yet, but the building is secure.VE7NEK read the financial, report was accepted and moved so by VE7DLR and seconded by VE7KFR

New Business:
EOC grant and purchases was explained. Items for Baker have been ordered, as well as Creston and a new HF unit for the EOC, and new antenna for the repeaters.Baker will be done first the Creston.

A short discussion on the latest meeting with RDEK. Army folks were there and they are fully supportive of us. One of the officers is also an Amateur Operator. They were pretty impressed with our radio room.This fellow also told us there are 4 frequencies at the bottom end of the 2 metre band and just above the military band, as well as what is called the MARS network, where military can contact outside their frequencies.

Discussion on some sort of pay for Randy VE7CRX for his work and knowledge we need for the programming new equipment.

We have been told the RDEK can not order equipment from the US. So Doug VA7QZ has offered to pay for the works as long as the RDEK agrees to repay him as soon as equipment arrives. We have not heard how that offer was received.

VE7NEK had heard the city of Kimberley was getting rid of a whack of computers for Non Profits, in Kimberley, both of which we fall into. He did get 3 computers and 4 monitors for club use.

Our diner was a good one, those present enjoyed themselves. This was the final meeting for the summer. Next regular meeting will be Sept. 14.

Call was made to close meeting, made by VA7CSH and seconded by VE7KFR


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:44 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club