East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Regrets Nil                                              

Guests: Nil

Meeting called to order:
 at 6:26 PM by VE7LOC

Sick or injured amateurs: VE7TED’s wife is back from Calgary and all is well. VE7NEK is off to Calgary soon for another round of surgery.  

Adoption of the agenda
:   Motioned VA7ZYQ, second VE7DLR-Carried.

Correspondence:      NIL

Adoption of Minutes of April 14,2018 meeting:  Motion by NEK, second by ZYQ. Carried.

Business arising from the minutes:-       IRLP Status. DNG noted system is up and operating. Node Status page has been updated. Group discussed increasing repeater hang time (currently 20 Minutes). Due to concerns with Creston Repeater equipment, the group agreed that hang time should remain at the current setting.-       Lance asked if anybody had heard how the road rally went in Invermere. NQ commented the repeater was busy, it the event appeared to be very organized.

Treasurer’s Report:  March 31, 2018 Balance 2369.98
term deposit 5067.50
Total 7462.48    
Motioned by NEK for adoption of his report. Second KFR. Carried                              

New Business:
1) Cranbrook EOC table top exercise July 16, 2018.Elections. Lance noted that JBE should go and we should have an alternative in place in case JBE is working. CSH also volunteered to go.
2) EKRC Logo stickers: Discussion was held about logo that CRX’s daughter has designed. JBE has approached the club and is ready to get some printed. Several members had concerns about upper font size and and visibility. A motion was made to empower the club executive to purchase 50 stickers on a trial basis. Motioned by DLR, second CZE. Carried. Also discussed was to ensure JBE discusses with printer to ensure that the upper font color or something can be done to make it easier to read.  Doug will discuss with JBE.    EAST KOOTENAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MEETING June 16, 2018
3) Discussion was held about RDEK EOC equipment upgrade. JBE and CRX are working on the club wish list for the new mountain top repeaters.
4) Sea Can inventory. LOC discussed the need to sort and inventory all the radio related contents in the sea can. LOC will come up with a date. DNG will sent out an email and announce the date on the net.
5) LOC also reminded everyone about the Picnic at Wycliffe Regional Park Site 4 August 19, 2018

Meeting adjourned:  at 6:57 PM by CSH

NEXT MEETING:   September 08 2018 at 2:00 PM for a social meeting at the Shop of VE7LOC  


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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Current time in Cranbrook

07:47:44 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club