East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club
Meeting called to order at 2:10 pm.

Members present; VA7CSH, VE7LOC, VE7NEK, VE7KFR, VE7MRP. Also present 2 guests joining the club; Dan Hamilton, Brian Veitenheimer.

Old Business:
Minutes from last business meeting were unavailable, but with the collaboration of the executive we were able to give a rundown of those minutes. (it was a short meeting with limited action) Moved by   VE7LOC to adopt minutes as correct, seconded by VE7MRP                     Financial report delivered by VE7NEK. Moved to adopt as correct by VE7LOC, seconded by VE7KFR. VE7LOC gave a report on the estate sale of “silent” member Andy Tibben's radio equipment. (Mr. Tibbens wife had asked the club help her sort out his equipment and help her sell it. Pretty much everything has been done there and Mrs. Tibben thanked VE7LOC and VE7NEK for their assistance, and she told VE7LOC that she has sold the property and she will be moving once everything is settled.

Sick or injured members
(or spouse): VE7NEKs wife is still out of action but he reports she is steadily improving, her spirits are high and he is confident she will be home soon.

New business: Repeaters;
VE7LOC gave an update on the new repeater project. The new Baker repeater is up and running at the home of VE7CRX, on an interim basis for “burn in” to make sure there will be no issues when it is installed on the mountain top. Assembly of the new Creston repeater is progressing and when completed it too will run in the shop of VE7KPB for it's “burn in”. Both repeaters will be installed in it's respective mountain once the weather allows us to get the the mountain tops.                        

EOC Report given by VA7CSH on latest meeting with RDEK / EOC. Information passed on to meeting about the EOC and it's plans .Also RDEK is still on track for our club to give a short crash course in radio operation and proper protocols for radio operation to it's office staff who will be working the EOC when activated. Meeting was adjourned at 3:10 pm   SecretaryVA7CSH Tom Haverko


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:43 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club