East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Meeting called to order:
 at 2:06 PM by VE7LOC

Adoption of the agenda
: Motion by NEK, Second by CSH. Carried  

Sick or injured amateurs:  

Minutes of December meeting:  Motioned by KPB, Second NEK. Carried.

Business arising from the minutes: Nil.

Correspondence:  Nil

Treasurers Report:  NEK Reported $645.46 cash Balance. $5806.37 Saving. Motioned by NEK and adopted.

1.) EKARC website. NEK made a motion to send a $100 donation to QRZ.com for the hosting of our website. We donate every 2-3 years when requested. We pay no other fees for the website. Motion Seconded by CSH Carried.
2.) RDEK emergency equipment grant. QZ updated the group, that the grant has been submitted to the RDEK council for approval. We should hear possibly by the end of March. Several changes were made to the proposal, so we will see what we end up with. LOC thanked QZ and CRX for their work on this proposal.
3.) Emergency Preparations and EOC: LOC read a letter to the RDEK to open a dialogue regarding permissions, authorizations and operation of the EOC Communication center as it relates to communication liaising with the involved parties (RCMP, Fire, BCEHS, RDEK, etc.) during emergencies. The group agreed the letter needs to be sent to open up discussions. Discussion also centered around getting more members and ex-member involved in the club. QZ will run a public service notice in the papers and e-know to increase the awareness of the club and the help needed during emergencies.  
4.) Emergency Training Courses    QZ told the group about 3 training sessions sponsored by the RDEK. EMRG-1150 Emergency Exercise design, March 7 and 8 2018. Emergency Operation Centers Essentials EMRG- 1320, March 20 and 21, 2109. Register by February 14th. EMBC Regional Seasonal Hazard Preparedness workshops. Kimberley February 28th, 2019. Register by February 15th. Contact VA7QZ for details. QZ will send email to MRP, ZYQ and CSH.
‍5.Rocky Mountain Rally; Ken sent email previously and said the rally is taking place May 24 and 25 in the Invermere area. Volunteers are welcome. The Invermere repeater link will be shut down and the repeater will be used by race organizers.
‍6.Executive Nominations; LOC opened nominations for the club exceptive for the coming year. Elections will be held at the April AGM. QZ let everyone know he will be stepping down as secretary and will not let his name stand. CSH was nominated by LOC for Secretary.
‍7.EKARC future. Discussion was held about future directions of the club. It was agreed to keep meeting as we are now. The club needs to do more activities to get more of a public identity. Field Day, JOTA. Newspaper articles. QZ mentioned the Club will appear in the March TCA with an article about our JOTA activity. MRP will set up a group Facebook Page. As previously mentioned QZ will submit a PSA to the local newspapers.

Meeting adjourned:  at 3:30 PM by VE7NEK  

NEXT MEETING:   Coffee meeting March 09, 2019  


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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Current time in Cranbrook

22:42:45 PM
Sat, Feb 22 2025
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club