East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Guests: Terry Balan, Protective Services Supervisor, RDEK.

Meeting called to order:
 at 2:04 PM by VE7LOC

Sick or injured amateurs:  LOC said TED is under the weather with a cold/flu.  

Adoption of the agenda
:  Adoption motioned by CSH. Second by KFR. Carried.

Correspondence:      NIL

Adoption of Minutes of Dec 5, 2017 meeting:  Correction to CRX’s call sign. Adopted motion by KFR, Second ZYQ. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Jan 2018 Balance   2114.73 Term deposit 5067.00 Total 7107.70     Motioned by NEK for adoption of his report. Second LOC. Carried                              

Business arising from the minutes: Nil

New Business:
1) Elections:  LOC opened the nominations and called for nominations for President. NEK nominated LOC. He accepted. There were no further nominations for President; Next LOC called for nominations for Secretary. JBE nominated DNG, He accepted. No further nominations received; LOC called for nominations for Vice President. NEK nominated CRX. He accepted. No further nominations. LOC called for nomination for treasurer. LOC nominated NEK. He accepted. No further nominations. LOC closed nominations and noted elections would take place at the next business meeting.
2) Discussion was held regarding the upgrade, service and repair of the club’s repeaters. It was noted that there are various issues with Creston and Invermere repeaters. CRX noted the drop radios are very old and some are running very hot. CRX will explore the best options for replacement of the radios and controllers He will report back. Also discussed was this fall’s interference from various sources on the Baker repeater. As an option it was discussed about incorporating PL tones on all our repeaters.  It was motioned that the club survey its members for feedback on whether PL tones would be a detriment to operators with older radios. Motioned by MRP. Second by CRX. DNG will send out an on-line survey.
3) LOC introduced Terry Balan Protective Services Supervisor, RDEK. Terry gave the club members an overview of his position and some of the goals he had in mind and how the club could become  a welcome part of EOC operations going forward. EAST KOOTENAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MEETING Feb 10, 2018

MINUTES Page 2 3) Cont.     Terry mentioned there may be grant funding available in the future, that could lead to improvement to our repeater system and the equipment in the EOC. Terry will work with the club for future grant applications. JBE brought up the possibility of the Radio Operator Training course and Terry will investigate. The club members also mentioned it may be a great idea to get some of the EOC members interested in amateur radio and obtain their license. 4) Inventory of Stored Radio Equipment; LOC mentioned that the club has a lot of material stored in the sea can and we have no idea what the club has. We need to inventory and review what is there. This item is tabled until we have access after the snow melt. It was mentioned maybe have a picnic or BBQ and do the inventory then. 5) Future Educational Activities: LOC asked members for any ideas for future coffee meeting topics. JBE suggested another session on IRLP. MRP brought up the idea of a Field day operation. Also brought forward was different operation modes and band plans. It was decided the next coffee meeting will be IRLP.  

Meeting adjourned:  at 3:20 PM by MRP

NEXT MEETING:   March 10, 2018 at 2:00 PM for a social meeting at the Shop of VE7LOC


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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22:23:21 PM
Thu, Feb 13 2025
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club