East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Held at the shop of VE7LOC.  
10 Members present.
Chair: VE7LOC

MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as circulated.
Moved VE7KFR Seconded VE7CRX.

CORRESPONDENCE:-          Invoice for Liability Insurance from RAC.

           -    Moved by VE7RWD and Seconded by VE7RXC that the invoice of $493.35 for Insurance be paid.  Carried.-   Golden Repeater removal postponed until spring         -   Moved by VE7ZYQ, seconded by by VE7KFR that VE7LOC prepare a list of surplus club items for sale and distribute the list to all club members including an invitation to submit bids prior to the February business meeting, Carried.-  Moved by VE7NEK, seconded by VE7CRX that n email survey be sent out to determine those members who wish to participate in each of the following events:            1. Children’s festival            2. Emergency Training events (PEP)            3. “Fondo Bicycle” event- communications along the routes.            4.Car rally races Invermere area, - communications along routesCarried, VE7NEK will handle-  Sunday repeater net continuing with 5 controllers & VE7CRJ coordinating

TREASURER’S REPORT : VE7NEK Dec. Financial Statement
Cash on hand                    $00.00Maximizer                    $1923.80Shares                               $25.00CU Term Deposit         $5110.50Total                             $7059.30                                                                                                          
MOTION: Accept the Treasurer’s report as presented    Moved VE7NEK seconded VE7KFR Carried.

NEW BUSINESS: MOTION: -That the VE7ZYQ investigate and get contact information (email) for members who got their licenses recently but are not keeping their membership dues up to date. M: VE7ZYQ, S: VE7CRX, Carried.

A discussion took place regarding events of interest to be undertaken during our social meetings every second month.                             Some ideas were member equipment sales, short courses on radio programming (Chinese Baefung radios), dinners or luncheons.                                                         A discussion decided to continue putting any monies generated from the sale of equipment into the general account and any donations to charities come from there as required.    

MOTION:        Adjourn VE7ZYQ


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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07:47:42 AM
Tue, Oct 22 2024
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