East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Guest:  Jeff Curtis

Meeting called to order:
 at 2:14 PM by VE7LOC

Adoption of the agenda
: Adopted by Consensus  

Sick or injured amateurs:  

Minutes of December meeting: Adoption moved by NEK, Second KFR. Carried.

Business arising from the minutes: Lance introduced Jeff Curtis who just wrote and passed his amateur license. Comm shell door at Invermere kicked in.LOC thanked MRP and QZ for the JOTA article in TCA and thanked QZ for the article in local paper advertising the club and need for volunteers.

Correspondence:  Nil

Treasurers Report:  Yearend NEK Reported $884.74 cash Balance. 5000.00 Saving. Total Balance 5909.74. New GIC purchased for 20 months. Report Motioned by NEK and adopted.––

1.     Invermere Fire Department Radio offer: QZ told members of the offer and everyone reviewed the list. It was decided that club was not interested. QZ will send an email letting them know of the club’s decision.
2.     RDEK emergency equipment grant. LOC opened the discussion centered around several questions, such as how equipment will be purchased, who will own the equipment, who will install the equipment and maintain it and what would happen if equipment failed.  At the end of the discussion a motion was put forward  The membership empowers the club executive to act on the membership’s behalf to negotiate and sign a Letter of Understanding between the club and the RDEK with considerations concerning how the equipment will be purchased, who will own the equipment, who will perform the equipment install and adjustment, conduct regular inspections and maintenance and whose responsibility it is to replace equipment if a failure occurs. Motioned by NEK and second by DLR. Carried.
3.     Annual Election:    LOC opened the election and called for additional nominees for President. LOC let his name stand, no other nominees. LOC club president by acclamation. LOC called for nominees for vice president. CSH nominated CRX, who let his name stand. No other nominees, LOC acclaimed CRX as vice president. LOC called for nominees for treasurer. He nominated NEK, who accepted. No other nominees. NEK acclaimed as treasurer. LOC called for nominees for secretary. CSH had let his name stand at the previous meeting, no other nominees, CSH was acclaimed. LOC closed the elections and thanked those who have agreed to form the executive and those who served in the previous year. The executive also appointed CSH and MRP as club liaisons with RDEK EOC.
‍4.     Invermere Comm Shell; NQ gave a report on damage to the door of the comm shell and he will talk to a local carpenter to get the door jamb repaired.––
‍5.     EKARC future. Discussion was held about future directions of the club. It was agreed to keep meeting as we are now. The club needs to do more activities to get more of a public identity. Field Day, JOTA. Newspaper articles. QZ mentioned the Club will appear in the March TCA with an article about our JOTA activity. MRP will set up a group Facebook Page. As previously mentioned QZ will submit a PSA to the local newspapers.

Meeting adjourned:  at 3:22 PM by VE7KPB  

NEXT MEETING:   Coffee meeting May 11, 2019


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
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22:21:25 PM
Sat, Feb 22 2025
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