East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Held at VE7LOC shop.
11 members present.
Chair VE7LOC



Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as circulated.Moved VE7CRX    Seconded VE7ERG


OLD BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES:Ø  The Golden Repeater which is now a standalone repeater, and will remain that way until an internet connection can be found to link it to Baker.Ø  A  UHF repeater has been acquired to replace the MSR2000 on Baker mountain trunk and will be installed when the weather allows.Ø  The computer for radio communications at the Cranbrook EOC will be put on hold for now.Ø  The Science fair that we elected to not participate in this year was quite a bit smaller due to other organizations also not participating.

TREASURER’S REPORT: VE7NEK 2014-15 Year End Financial Statements were presented and approved·        
Cash On Hand                        $0000.00·        
Maximizer account      $  506.22·        
KSCU Term                $5000.00·        
Shares                          $    25.00·        
Tangerine Savings       $1944.80·        
Total                            $7476.02
The club spent $1597.99 more than it took in this past year, $1456 or which was a new uhf repeater.

MOTION: Accept the Treasurer’s report as presented by VE7NEK, Seconded VE7RWD

NEW BUSINESS:Ø  An inventory of club assets will be preparedØ  Sunday morning net will continue with remaining controllers and more volunteers will be sought out.Ø  Randy VE7CRX will research the cost of purchasing a new VHF digital repeater system.Ø  The May social meeting will be canceled so the June picnic will be the next meeting.

MOTION: Adjourn.  Moved VE7TED


132 Grandview Place Cranbrook BC
Website Maintained by VE7QQ

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Current time in Cranbrook

01:20:48 AM
Sat, Jul 27 2024
Copyright © East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club